Time Magazine runs a piece claiming “they were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it”

Last week we talked about the aphenomenal model. This is model that was used in invading Iraq and is used in justifying each invasion and every CIA orchestrated coup d’état (you’d recall the notorious statement of then Secretary of State John Kerry, “Egyptian military is restoring democracy “, as the only democratically elected president was being toppled by Gen. Sisi). This model uses Decision first, then Disinformation to create justification of the decision, then creates Opacity to cover up, then uses Justification when caught with all the lies. The lies starts with the following anecdotal syllogism.

All Americans speak French (false major premise);

Jacque Chirac is an American (false minor premise l);

Therefore, Jacque Chirac speaks French (A-phenomenal conclusion).

Then all debates revolve around the validity of the conclusion. Anyone who questions the underlying premises are called ‘conspiracy theorist’ and therefore should be marginalized, mocked and banished from the society. You have seen that yesterday when Congress expelled Rep. Greene from committees in which she was appointed by the same congress just a few weeks prior. You have seen that in attacks against Lin Wood, the ‘legendary attorney’ (as per his alma mater that now wants to denigrate him). You have seen that against the military attorney who valiantly defended Gen. Flynn and won. And, of course you have seen that against President Trump, the man that accomplished more than any previous presidents in history despite incessant opposition, harassment and criminal conspiracy of all three branches of Money god (media establishment, political establishment, and big Pharma establishment). For those unfamiliar with the Quran, Quran says every good guy is invariably mocked by the bad guys (check out chapter Mutaffifin). Of course ‘Muslims’ that are orgasming over the murderous regime of second coming of Saviour Obama would tell you, Trump isn’t a good guy. Of course, Trump isn’t a Muslim, certainly not a prophet but compared to your idol Obama and his gangsters and their genocides against Africa, African Americans, Muslims in general, children, and unborn, Trump surely looks like the second coming of Jesus. So, don’t be a dumb bastard, see it objectively and ask why every branch of deepstate is freaking out like never before. Check for the source and research how they have lied before. As a reminder let me tell you Hitler was the man of the year selected by these same dumb bastards. Shame on you.


Then let’s not forget Mike Lindel



Censorship of truth continues to run rampant and the First Amendment is being trampled in the process.

Please try this link to view the documentary on election fraud produced by Mike Lindell. It is slow to load but it it works, it is worth the wait.



Who has the power to censor the President of the United States from communicating with American citizens and then murder a thriving company like Parler at the same time?

Not Nancy Pelosi. Not Chuck Schumer. Not Adam Schiff. Not Antifa. Not Black Lives Matter. Not Marxists. Not Communists. Not Fascists. Not the United Nations. Not Republicans. Not Anarchists. Not environmental extremists. Not the World Health Organization.

So much for who has the power. You get the point. It’s Big Tech.

The November 3, 2020 election was a fraud. The evidence is conclusive. 

Yet there are a number of our fellow citizens who are uninformed about the truth of the November 2020 election. Uninformed as a result of indifference or uninformed by choice as they believe the illegal result furthers their political or social agenda. They will end up being awakened. 

There are many people who are informed and know the election was a fraud but will never admit the truth outside of a criminal proceeding because they were involved in the fraud. They will end up going to jail or worse. 

And then there are the Patriots. We know the truth. Donald J. Trump won a landslide re-election. He is our President. The Patriots will take the necessary steps within the bounds of the law to make certain that the truth prevails over the lie. The Patriots will end up free and our Constitutional rights will remain intact. 

Each day the enemy is increasingly exposing itself as a lover of tyranny and a hater of freedom. The enemy is showing its true colors. 

Never get in the way of the enemy when it is destroying itself. In due time, the enemy will completely ensnare itself. Then it will be much easier for the truth to prevail over the lie. Let the enemy do more of our work for us. 

Stay strong in your faith. Trust God. Then wait on the Lord.

Watch it happen. 

Lin Wood


Published by Prof. M. R. Islam

Professor Islam resides in Canada and is known as the most published engineer in the world.

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